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Library of Subject Areas
200 Animal science
210 Livestock science
211 Animal husbandry
212 Social economy of domestic economy
213 Animal nutrition and food
214 Animal product technology
215 Animal husbandry development
216 Animal production
217 Animal husbandry
218 Animal feed production and technology
219 Animal biotechnology
221 Sain veterinary
222 Other animal husbandry sector not yet listed
230 Fisheries science
233 Aquaculture
234 Fishery product processing
236 Nutrition and fish food
237 Fishing technology
238 Fisheries biotechnology
250 Animal medical science
251 Veterinary medicine
260 Medical science
270 Medical science specialist
272 Anesthesia
273 Surgery (general, plastic, orthopedics, urology, etc.)
274 Obstetrics and gynecology
275 Forensic medicine
276 Sports medicine
277 Childrens diseases
278 Nuclear medicine
279 Physical medicine and rehabilitation
282 Anatomical pathology
283 Clinical pathology
284 Internal disease
286 Skin and sex disease
287 Eye disease
288 Physical medicine and rehabilitation
289 Lung disease
291 Neurological disease
294 Neurology
295 Psychiatry
297 Medic rehabilitation
300 Medical science (academic)
301 Reproductive biology
303 Reproductive biology
304 Biomedical sciences
305 General medical sciences
308 Family medicine
309 Clinical medicine
311 Tropical medicine
312 Immunology
334 Other fields of dentistry not yet listed
340 Health sciences
350 General health science
351 Public health
352 Occupational safety and health (occupational health or hiperkes)
353 Health policy (and health analyst)
354 Science of nutrition
355 Epidemiology
356 Environmental sanitation techniques
357 Health promotion
358 Life and health insurance
359 Environmental health
361 Sports science
362 Other public health sector not yet listed
370 Nursing and midwifery sciences
371 Nursing science
372 Midwifery
373 Hospital administration
375 Entomology (health, physiology)
377 Ergonomics of work physiology
378 Physiotherapy
379 Medical analyst
381 Physiology (sports)
382 Reproduction (biology and health)
383 Acupuncture
384 Medic rehabilitation
385 Other fields of nursing & midwifery that have not been listed
390 Psychology
391 General psychology
392 Child psychology
393 Community psychology
394 Occupational psychology (industrial)
395 Other fields of psychology not yet listed
400 Pharmaceutical science
401 General pharmacy and pharmacist
402 Pharmacology and clinical pharmacy
404 Analysis of pharmaceutical and medical chemistry
406 Food pharmacy and food safety analysis
407 Other pharmacy not listed
410 Engineering science
420 Civil engineering and spatial planning
421 Civil engineering
422 Environmental engineering
423 City planning
424 Urban and regional planning
425 Watering techniques
426 Architectural engineering
427 Heavy equipment technology
428 Transportation
429 Other civil engineering fields not yet listed
430 Industrial engineering science
431 Mechanical engineering (and other machining)
432 Production engineering (and or manufacturing)
433 Chemical engineering
434 Engineering (industry) pharmacy
435 Industrial engineering
437 Textile engineering (textile)
439 Biotechnology in industry
441 Nuclear engineering (and or other nuclear sciences)
442 Physics technic
443 Energy engineering
444 Remote sensing
445 Material engineering (materials science)
446 Other industrial engineering fields not yet listed
450 Electrical and informatics engineering
451 Electrical engineering
452 Electrical power engineering
453 Telecommunications engineering
454 Electronics engineering
455 Control engineering (or instrumentation and control)
456 Biomedical engineering
457 Computer engineering
458 Technical information
459 Computer science
461 Information systems
462 Information technology
463 Software engineering
464 Mechatronics engineering
465 Other electrical and informatics engineering fields not yet listed
470 Jump technology
473 Mining engineering (mining engineering)
477 Geomatics technique
480 Shipment science
481 Shipping engineering
483 Shipping systems engineering
500 Linguistics
510 Sub rmpun literature (and language) indonesia and region
511 Regional literature (and language) (javanese, sundanese, batak, etc.)
512 Indonesian literature (and language)
513 Literature (and language) of indonesia or other regions
520 Linguistics
521 Linguistics
522 Journalism
523 General literature science
524 Record management
525 Library science
526 Other fields of language sciences not yet listed
530 Foreign language science
531 English literature (and language)
532 Japanese literature (and language)
534 Arabic literature (and language)
537 Malay literature (and language)
538 Dutch literature (and language)
541 Other foreign literature (and language) areas not yet listed
550 Economics
560 Economics
561 Economic development
562 Accounting
563 Islamic economics
564 Banking
565 Taxation
567 Notary
568 Other unspecified economic fields
570 Management science
571 Management
572 Sharia management
573 Financial administration (office, tax, hotel, logistics, etc.)
574 Marketing
575 Transportation management
576 Industrial management
577 Information management
578 Secretariat
579 Unlisted management field
580 Humaniora social science
590 Political science
591 Political science
593 International relations
594 Administrative sciences (commerce, state, public, development, etc.)
595 Criminology
596 Legal studies
597 Public administration
601 Social and political sciences
602 Development studies (development planning, regional, city)
603 National defence
604 Police science
605 Public policy
606 Other political fields not yet listed
610 Social sciences
611 Social welfare sciences
612 Sociology
613 Humanities
614 Regional studies (europe, asia, japan, middle east etc.)
615 Archeology
616 Sociatriology
617 Population (demography, and other population sciences)
618 History (history)
619 Cultural studies
621 Islamic broadcasting communication
622 Communication studies
623 Anthropology
624 Other unspecified social fields
630 Religion and philosophy
640 Science of religion (science) religion
641 Islam
642 Catholicism
644 Sociology of religion
645 Hindu, buddhist, and other religion (philosophy) not yet listed
651 Philosophy
652 Religious and cultural sciences
653 Other philosophy not yet listed
660 Art, design and media
670 Science arts
672 Theater arts
673 Sword art
674 Music art
675 Karawitan art
676 Other performing arts that have not been mentioned yet
680 Art science
681 Art creation
683 Dance anthropology
687 Graphic art
688 Intermedia art
689 Other unspecified fields of art
690 Arts science
692 Wood crafts
695 Textile artwork
696 Metal crafts (and precious metals / jewelry)
697 Other areas of craft arts not yet listed
699 Tourism
700 Media science
701 Photography
703 Broadcasting
704 Graphic (and publishing)
705 Other media fields not yet listed
706 Design
707 Design interior
708 Visual communication design
709 Product design
710 Education science
720 Social science education
721 Pancasila and civic education
722 Historical education
723 Economic education
724 Geography education
725 Sociology and anthropology education
726 Accounting education
727 Commerce education
728 Office administration education
729 Japanese language education
731 Sociology education (social sciences)
732 Cooperative education
733 Population and environmental education
734 Cooperative economic education
735 Other fields of social sciences education not yet listed
740 Language and literature education science
741 Language, indonesian and regional literature education
742 English language and literature education
743 Indonesian language and literature education
745 French language (and literature) education
747 French language (and literature) education
748 Javanese language (and literature) education
760 Sports and health education education
761 Physical education, health and recreation
762 Physical education and health sciences
763 Sports and health education
764 Sports coaching education
765 Sports science
766 Sports and other health education not yet listed
770 Mathematics education and nature knowledge (mipa)
771 Biology education
772 Mathematics education
773 Physical education
774 Chemistry education
775 Natural sciences education (science)
776 Geography education
777 Other mipa education not yet listed
780 Technology and vocational education science
781 Mechanical engineering education
782 Building engineering education
783 Electrical engineering education
784 Electronics engineering education
785 Automotive engineering education
786 Informatics engineering
788 Pend. technology and vocational
789 Field of education other vocational technologies and technologies not yet listed
790 Education science
791 Special education
792 Non-formal education
793 PGSD
794 PGTK and PAUD
795 Educational psychology
796 Education measurement and evaluation
797 Curriculum development
798 Education technology
799 Educational administration (education management)
801 Early childhood education programs
802 Curriculum and educational technology
803 Guidance and counseling
804 Other education fields not yet listed
810 Arts education science
811 Art drama, dance and music education
812 Fine arts education
813 Music arts education
814 Dance education
815 Vocational education and crafts
816 Arts education
817 Other arts education sector not yet listed
900 Other sciences
900 Other sciences
100 Mathematics and natural science
111 Physics
112 Chemistry
113 Biology (and general biotechnology)
114 Other ipo fields not yet listed
120 Mathematics
121 Mathematics
122 Statistics
123 Computer science
124 Other areas of mathematics that have not been listed
131 Astronomy
132 Geography
134 Geophysics
135 Meteorologist
110 Natural sciences